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- Hot Wheels toyota в Москве
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- 98 Rav4 2door (Hot Wheels)(past vehicle)
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Hot Wheels premium toyota в Москве
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Hot Wheels premium toyota на маркетплейсе «hot-wheels-center.ru» представлены в максимальном ассортименте. Сколько стоит? Цены начинаются от 1 329 ₽. На страницах товаров указаны подробные технические характеристики ( и другие), отзывы, сертификаты соответствия, инструкция применения, условия покупки, гарантии и условия доставки в Москве. Hot Wheels premium toyota легко купить онлайн на нашем сайте, добавив товар в корзину, и заказать с доставкой по указанному адресу или оформить самовывоз со складов наших продавцов. Некоторые товары доступны только по предзаказу, узнать их стоимость, а также оптовые цены удобнее по телефону.
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Hot Wheels toyota на маркетплейсе «hot-wheels-center.ru» представлены в максимальном ассортименте. Сколько стоит? Цены начинаются от 851 ₽. На страницах товаров указаны подробные технические характеристики ( и другие), отзывы, сертификаты соответствия, инструкция применения, условия покупки, гарантии и условия доставки в Москве. Hot Wheels toyota легко купить онлайн на нашем сайте, добавив товар в корзину, и заказать с доставкой по указанному адресу или оформить самовывоз со складов наших продавцов. Некоторые товары доступны только по предзаказу, узнать их стоимость, а также оптовые цены удобнее по телефону.
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98 Rav4 2door (Hot Wheels)(past vehicle)
Hi gang! Reminiscing here about a 98 2door Rav4 I had back in 2007;) I wanted it to look like a little Hot Wheels Rav! you know~ flashy~ sassy and HOT!
These are the most Awesome of the Rav4’s I believe! They’re small, cute, functional, get fantastic gas mileage, but relatively hard to find~ which led me on a little trip from Houston to Florida! I found this 98 Rav4 down south of Florida, but I was also interested in an Aprilia RS50! So in order to get it all back, I’d needed a trailer! OMG, the things I get myself into:)
So, I bought a trailer to fit the rav4 and actually took it on the plane, can you believe it, I actually was able to carry onboard a heavy bulky trailer hitch! So, the fella with the Rav picked me up at the airport, I test drove it, paid him, then at his home I installed the trailer hitch.
Then drove further down south (Pompano) to where the Aprilia was. So at this point, I bought a 4×6 trailer from Pep boys obviously to pull the Aprilia back home. The man and his wife insisted I spend the night at their home(he’s a doctor), I accepted! So I got up early the next morning, wired the Rav4 for trailer lights, loaded it up after a test drive, and off I went back for the long drive to Houston!! 😉
Though the story here isn’t so much about the Aprilia RS50, it’s just a bike that I had, loved, then said fare-well to it later on:(. Just wish I had kept it, along with all the other bikes I’ve owned!:( The Aprilia Rs50 is a 2 stroke 50cc engine water-cooled, capable of 70 mph @ 11,000rpm! It’s not considered a motorcycle, but a scooter; so anyone can drive one without a license(so I’ve heard).
So, let the rumble begin! I started off simple with some decals and a new set of wheels/tires from Discount Tires. Just wasn’t enough!
And the stock seats had to go. However they were quite comfortable, but just didn’t fit the ticket for a HOT Wheels car!
So Ebay saves the day: A leather steering wrap, and some Netami bucket seats with carbon fiber! Actually, I got the idea of the Red and Black from a previously owned Izuzu vehicross!!
And let’s pay attention to detail, notice the carbon fiber console a with the Hurst shifter handle and boot! Darn I’m good! 😉
To match the front seats, I sewed some seat covers for the rear seats, luckily, the fabric store had some carbon fiber material. Now the interior is all tied together!!
My goodness, can’t have a Hot Wheels Rav without a cowl on the hood!!
and always a bunch of TRD decals! Notice the Hot Wheels decals!;)
Well the engine compartment didn’t come out quite a well as I had hoped, but sure looked better than the bland engine compartment previously. I could do a lot better today.
The brakes n Tires, n wheels~ I generally go a little overboard, but this Hot Wheels Toy looking Rav had to look good! I did a complete brake job including zinc coated rotors and caliper covers which showed very well!
These drums n rotors came out of Canada from a company the took pride in their products~rust proof! I spared no expense!
As the first picture shows~ it is an awesome vehicle which got lots of looks! It not only looked great, it ran great @ 30 mpg! Though I don’t remember, but I must have installed new headlights cause those are just too shiny new looking! 😉
I hope you’ve enjoyed a little blast from my past of vehicles and little projects here and there, and my motorcycles along the way! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my Classic Cars and Tools!
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Jan, 24, 2016
2 Responses so far.
I always enjoy reading your posts d’na. If you remember I first started communicating with you on TriFive when you bought your beautiful 57′ Bel Air. Don
Hi Don! I remember you (it’s been a while now and Classic cars is going strong) ~ and how sad a day when I sold the old beauty!:( But life goes on and new projects pop up, and to honest, the challenge of building a vehicle almost equals the fun of driving one. Another couple years and the TR6 should be on the road, but I’m in no hurry;)
Thank you Don for hanging in there with me;)
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