Всё вытер, выровнял уровень в бачке и стал ждать. А антифриз не уходит.
В итоге моих наблюдений оказалось, что на самом дне бачка, в самой его нижней точке, похоже образовалась микротрещина. При езде по городу, когда система охлаждения максимально разогревалась и создавалось максимально высокое давление, бачок начинал течь. Но тёк не сильно, поэтому до утра в подкапотном всё высыхало.
При этом автомобиль 2017 года, какого хрена бачок треснул непонятно.
Поставил новый бачок, заменил на нём крышку, и уже как порядка 2000 км этой проблемы нет. Но фобия осталась и литр антифриза всегда лежит в багажнике.
Всем добра и крепких бачков!
When we compare the Dodge Journey’s and the Jeep Grand Cherokee’s specifications and ratings, the Dodge Journey has the advantage in the area of typical lower range of pricing for one- to five-year-old used cars. The Jeep Grand Cherokee has the advantage in the areas of reliability, resale value, interior volume, overall quality score and base engine power. The Dodge Journey and Jeep Grand Cherokee have the same fuel efficiency. Based on this comparison of the Dodge Journey’s and the Jeep Grand Cherokee’s specifications and ratings, the Jeep Grand Cherokee is a better car than the Dodge Journey.
A used 2020 Dodge Journey ranges from $17,999 to $24,989 while a used 2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee is priced between $26,996 to $41,990.
Looking at the 5-year depreciation rate for both models, the Dodge Journey loses 48.3 percent of its value and the Jeep Grand Cherokee loses 42.5 percent of its value. This means the Jeep Grand Cherokee retains 5.8 percentage points more of its value and has the advantage of higher resale value versus the Dodge Journey.
The iSeeCars Overall Quality rating for the Dodge Journey is 7.5 out of 10 while the Jeep Grand Cherokee’s quality rating is 8.5 out of 10. This results in the Dodge Journey being ranked 17 out of 28 Best Midsize SUVs and the Jeep Grand Cherokee being ranked 4 out of 28. Out of 66 Best Crossover SUVs, the Dodge Journey is ranked 40 and the Jeep Grand Cherokee is ranked 8.
iSeeCars’ Reliability Rating for the Dodge Journey is 7.6 out of 10. For the Jeep Grand Cherokee the reliability rating is 8.6 out of 10. This gives the Jeep Grand Cherokee an advantage in reliability compared to the Dodge Journey.
For engine performance, the Dodge Journey’s base engine makes 172 horsepower, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee base engine makes 295 horsepower. Both the Journey and the Grand Cherokee are rated to deliver an average of 21 miles per gallon, with highway ranges of 513 and 640 miles respectively. Both models use regular unleaded.
The Jeep Grand Cherokee, a midsize SUV, has the advantage of offering more interior volume, reflected in more front shoulder room, rear shoulder room, rear leg room, and cargo space. The Dodge Journey, a crossover/midsize SUV, has the advantage in the areas of front head room, front leg room and rear head room.
When comparing crash test ratings from NHTSA, the Jeep Grand Cherokee has higher safety ratings than the Dodge Journey, with an average rating of 4.66 out of 5 Stars compared to 4 out of 5 Stars.