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- X1 N47 177л.с заглох на ходу и больше не заводится
- #32 Dimaae90
- #33 Gladj525
- #34 Dimaae90
- #35 Jurun
- #36 Jurun
- Thread: Help! CF33 error code won�t clear. Limp mode!
- Help! CF33 error code won�t clear. Limp mode!
- Same Problem
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Поиск всех кодов ошибок на одном сайте. Расшифровка Кодов ошибок obd2 по маркам автомобилей.
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Коды ошибок по маркам автомобилей
1. Для поиска других кодов неисправностей воспользуйтесь поисковой строкой. Введите свой код неисправности в поле поиска и отправьте поиск.
2. Информация, содержащаяся на этом сайте, представлена исключительно в информационных целях. Мы не несем ответственности за любые действия, предпринятые вами в отношении вашего автомобиля. Если у вас есть какие-либо сомнения относительно ремонта вашего автомобиля, обратитесь к своему техническому специалисту.
Из чего состоит ошибка
В пятизначных кодах первый знак обозначает принадлежность к системе, в которой обнаружена неисправность:
- Р — неполадки, зафиксированные в работе силового агрегата либо автоматической трансмиссии (АКПП);
- В — неисправности, связанные с функционированием кузовных систем — электрических стеклоподъемников, подушек безопасности Airbag (SRS), центрального замка и т. д.;
- С — коды ошибок в работе шасси или ходовой составляющей транспортного средства;
- U — неисправности, связанные с электрикой или электронным оборудованием, взаимодействием между управляющими модулями, цифровым интерфейсом.
- 0 — общая цифра для всех OBD2 кодов;
- 1 или 2 — код производителя транспортного средства;
- 3 — резервая позиция.
Третий знак в комбинации неисправности указывает на тип поломки:
- 1 и 2 — сбои в функционировании систем подачи воздуха либо топлива;
- 3 — неисправности в работе системы зажигания;
- 4 — неполадки, связанные с функционированием систем вспомогательного контроля;
- 5 — сбои в работу элементов системы холостого хода;
- 6 — неполадки, зафиксированные в функционировании электронного блока управления автомобилем или его электролиниями;
- 7 и 8 — неисправности трансмиссионного агрегата.
Последние два знака обозначают порядковый номер неисправности.
Copyright © 2021. Коды ошибок OBD-II с расшифровкой на русском языке — возможные причины, описание и варианты по устранению ошибок.
X1 N47 177л.с заглох на ходу и больше не заводится
- Skoda
- минск и область
Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2021 — 03:27
- e90
- Украина — Киев
Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2021 — 03:34
Обычно оно в коробке с мозгами под капотом
Вчера лазил туда без тестера, посмотрел предохранители то все на месте.
Сообщение отредактировал Dimaae90: 19 Ноябрь 2021 — 03:34
- Skoda
- минск и область
Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2021 — 11:28
- e90
- Украина — Киев
Отправлено 20 Ноябрь 2021 — 02:01
Когда зажигание включаешь ошо щёлкает?
Да, все щелкает, ключ видит, стартер крутит. Но еще ньанс в том что когда нажимаю кнопку старта без педали, насос работает постоянно, такое чувство что просто по кругу гоняет топливо.
Вчера подключил комп, он показал мне всю гирлянду.
Все ошибки по CAN
CED 4, D356, D355, D354, CF 33, A3AD, A3AE, E717, E71A, E71B, E720
Ошибки сбросил но эти остались, я так понимаю машина не видит какой-то блок
Сначало было миллион ошибок из-за того что сел аккум, потом сбросил и остались эти, будут какие-то советы?
- F48 Е90 E87
- Minsk
Отправлено 20 Ноябрь 2021 — 05:21
Да, все щелкает, ключ видит, стартер крутит. Но еще ньанс в том что когда нажимаю кнопку старта без педали, насос работает постоянно, такое чувство что просто по кругу гоняет топливо.
Вчера подключил комп, он показал мне всю гирлянду.
Все ошибки по CAN
CED 4, D356, D355, D354, CF 33, A3AD, A3AE, E717, E71A, E71B, E720
Ошибки сбросил но эти остались, я так понимаю машина не видит какой-то блок
Сначало было миллион ошибок из-за того что сел аккум, потом сбросил и остались эти, будут какие-то советы?
D354,355,356 -Сообщение (крутящий момент отсутствует) получатель DSC, передатчик DME.
CF33 Transmission Error “No message from engine management”
A3AD — INSTRUMENT CLUSTER: Message(engine data, 1D0)
E717/present Message (engine data, 0x1D0) faulty, receiver IHKA, transmitter DME-DDE
E71A/present Message (torque 3, 0xAA) faulty, receiver IHKA, transmitter DME-DDE
E71B — Message (torque 3 0xAA) incorrectly, IHKA receivers, transmitters JBE / DME- DDE
E720 Communication with electronic management of batteries, error in message
Сообщение отредактировал Jurun: 20 Ноябрь 2021 — 05:21
- F48 Е90 E87
- Minsk
Отправлено 20 Ноябрь 2021 — 05:28
Thread: Help! CF33 error code won�t clear. Limp mode!
Help! CF33 error code won�t clear. Limp mode!
Hi all.
Have been working with my own BMW�s for a few years now. Recently picked up a 2007 E70 3.0 we really like.
I have a Snap-on scanner with 2018 software and a laptop with ISTA/D and other basic BMW software.
Had to replace a bad coil today and when I went In to clear codes, I was checking out some other modules and made the mistake of clearing the DME (engine) adaptions. Big mistake. On the E70 up through August of 2007, there was an issue that if you cleared the DME adaptions, the tranny would be put in limp mode with CF33 showing as an unclearable code. Service Bulletin SI B 24 10 07 outlines my issue and the solution. but the final step is to shut off the car and lock the doors and after the car is in sleep mode, to clear the code in the TCU. how? It�s a sleep and neither my laptop programs nor my snap on will communicate with the module once it�s asleep.
I would love any ideas. Here is the text from the SB:
�Using DIS 49.0 and higher run a «Short test» and Perform the following test module:
Reset learning functions / S2460_GSLFR_TU — available using the following diagnostic path:
Service Functions / Transmission Control / Calibrations / Reset leaning functions
Afterwards turn the ignition off / lock vehicle / let vehicle enter sleep mode
It is now possible to clear the fault.�
I appreciate any help. Thanks!
Well, It�s fixed!
I put a battery charger on the car before I started this time in case low battery voltage was part of the issue.
Used my snap on scanner.
Followed the steps by
1. Resetting tranny adaptions.
2. Shutting the car off and locking the doors with the FOB
3. Waited the 5 ish minutes for the light on the shift handle to go out all the while sitting in the car with the scanner in my lap ready on the �clear codes� button.
4. Hit clear codes.
The car started making noise like it was waking up.
I put the key in and started it (not just turning on the ignition) and voila.
I tried this so many times. But the charger was new, and maybe I waiting too short or too long last time?
I�m leaving this here in case anyone else has the issue. The only other posts I�ve found on this were never resolved. Hope it helps.
Same Problem
Originally Posted by Gmangione
Well, It�s fixed!
I put a battery charger on the car before I started this time in case low battery voltage was part of the issue.
Used my snap on scanner.
Followed the steps by
1. Resetting tranny adaptions.
2. Shutting the car off and locking the doors with the FOB
3. Waited the 5 ish minutes for the light on the shift handle to go out all the while sitting in the car with the scanner in my lap ready on the �clear codes� button.
4. Hit clear codes.
The car started making noise like it was waking up.
I put the key in and started it (not just turning on the ignition) and voila.
I tried this so many times. But the charger was new, and maybe I waiting too short or too long last time?
I�m leaving this here in case anyone else has the issue. The only other posts I�ve found on this were never resolved. Hope it helps.
Hey Man, I Have run into the same problem and I wonder what all can clear this fault. My car has been stuck in 3rd for over a month. need to figure a fix and I have a Autophix 5900 scanner but its not a snap-on. I’m gonna try to do what u did with the tool i have. Thanks for posting how to fix this cause I’ve been looking for a while.
Though this thread is quite old, I had a hard time finding any documentation on this problem. Thanks very much to Gmangione, indeed this was the best write-up I found, even when professional sources were vague and incomplete. Having said that, I’d like to complete the post a bit as I had to follow a slightly different path. Here’s the sequence that worked in this case, a 2008 E70 X5 (N52 engine). I was using a Snap-On Modis. Some of these details I copied from the OP. Do this at your own risk, as resetting adaptations can be dicey and if you perform the wrong relearn procedure it’s possible to damage the module. If the transmission has any mechanical problems, DO NOT reset adaptations.
First, clear all vehicle codes. With KOEO, access the TCM. Erase all adaptations (two different functions) and perform the «tech-in» function for gearbox replacement. This is a total of three separate menu functions. Exit the adaptations menu and hover the cursor over the «clear codes» selection.
With scanner still on and connected, turn key off and lock the car. If you don’t want to sit inside, use a screwdriver to manually lock the door latch with the door open. Once the light on the shifter goes out (two minutes at the longest, key is STILL removed) clear the codes in the TCM. Now, immediately after clearing, BEFORE inserting the key again, relearn all adaptations a second time, as described above, now that the code is cleared. This last step seems to be the missing link, as now after starting the engine the TCM fault is gone.
Contrary to other sources, I did not have to disconnect the battery or drain module capacitors before doing any of this. Hope this helps, cheers to the OP.
Originally Posted by JChartowich
Though this thread is quite old, I had a hard time finding any documentation on this problem. Thanks very much to Gmangione, indeed this was the best write-up I found, even when professional sources were vague and incomplete. Having said that, I’d like to complete the post a bit as I had to follow a slightly different path. Here’s the sequence that worked in this case, a 2008 E70 X5 (N52 engine). I was using a Snap-On Modis. Some of these details I copied from the OP. Do this at your own risk, as resetting adaptations can be dicey and if you perform the wrong relearn procedure it’s possible to damage the module. If the transmission has any mechanical problems, DO NOT reset adaptations.
First, clear all vehicle codes. With KOEO, access the TCM. Erase all adaptations (two different functions) and perform the «tech-in» function for gearbox replacement. This is a total of three separate menu functions. Exit the adaptations menu and hover the cursor over the «clear codes» selection.
With scanner still on and connected, turn key off and lock the car. If you don’t want to sit inside, use a screwdriver to manually lock the door latch with the door open. Once the light on the shifter goes out (two minutes at the longest, key is STILL removed) clear the codes in the TCM. Now, immediately after clearing, BEFORE inserting the key again, relearn all adaptations a second time, as described above, now that the code is cleared. This last step seems to be the missing link, as now after starting the engine the TCM fault is gone.
Contrary to other sources, I did not have to disconnect the battery or drain module capacitors before doing any of this. Hope this helps, cheers to the OP.
Hi what tool are you using as iv tried insta+ and inpa and both won’t clear codes when keys not in ignition thanks